East Coast teen hangs self in room while family at creek

A 19-year-old teenager was found hanging from the ceiling of his Lot 144 Grass Field, Lusignan, East Coast Demerara home by a neighbour last Friday. Dead is Rajendra “Anil” Kumar who was discovered around 14: 00h, hanging from the ceiling in his room. Guyana Times International understands that the young man was last seen around 10: 00h that morning before his family left for an outing at the creek. He was supposed to join his family; however, he reportedly refused to go.

19 Year old Rajendra Kumar

According to an officer attached to the investigations, the teen’s mother claimed that she had asked him to feed the dogs and he did it with “a passion”, then he told her that he is not going with them. Around 02: 00h, a neighbour called out to the family, but received no response and saw something hanging from the ceiling through the open veranda door. The neighbour then decided to check it out and made the gruesome discovery. His family was informed and the police were summoned.
Kumar, a former student of Annandale Secondary, had dropped out of school. His parents are separated, and his father had got him into the Port Mourant GuySuCo Training Centre from where he reportedly escaped after two days. The teenager was supposed to return to the training centre in the new school term.
When this newspaper arrived at the home of the teen, his family was reluctant to speak. However, this publication was told that the teen may have committed the act as a result of a love triangle between himself and two young ladies. One of the young ladies was reportedly living with Kumar for the past two months but the couple were said to have been courting for the past four years. Kumar was supposedly going to the other female’s home to spend nights there; however, she told investigators that she has not been in contact with the young man for the past two weeks. Kumar was described as a quiet person. He left to mourn his parents and two siblings.

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